On the Wildfires in Greece

PAME expresses its condolences to the families of people who have lost their lives, whose numbers are constantly increasing. We express our sympathy for...

Protest in Athens-STOP the Imperialist Crime Against Palestine

A protest demonstration was organized by PAME at the Israeli embassy in Athens, in the afternoon of Thursday, July 19th against Israel's continued murderous...

Solidaridad Con Los Trabajadores De AMAZON

El PAME expresa su solidaridad con los trabajadores de la multinacional Amazon que revindiquen la firma de un Convenio Colectivo con aumentos salariales en España...

Solidarity with AMAZON Workers

PAME expresses its solidarity with the workers of the multinational AMAZON who are fighting for the signing for a Collective Agreement with better wages...

We Denounce Israel’s New Murderous Attacks Against The Palestinian People

PAME denounces Israel's new murderous attacks against the Palestinian people and calls workers and trade unions of Athens to a massive protest at the...

PAME Held a Big Concert Against Exploitation And Imperialist War

https://www.flickr.com/photos/141955787@N05/42691019810/in/album-72157697810192252/ A Big Concert organized by PAME was held on Friday 13th July, in Athens, with the message: “Down the wars of the imperialists-Long live...

We demand the Cancelation of the Layoffs in RIVULIS – EURODRIP Company

On Monday July 2nd the company RIVULIS – EURODRIP (which is Israel-owned) laid off two workers, members of the newly founded Union, just 3...

WFTU in Solidarity with the Union and workers of Rivulis-Eurodrip

  The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) with more than 92 million members in 126 countries around the world expresses its class solidarity...

PAME en solidarité avec les travailleurs de France

Jeudi dernier, 28 juin, journée de grève dans toute la France, le PAME a soutenu et a assisté à la grande grève des travailleurs...