About the Meeting of UNI Europa in Greece with “unionists”/employers

On December took place in Greece a meeting of UNI Europa Gaming. In their group photo we can clearly see the notorious in Greece...

GSEE Congress Daily Revelations of Election Fraud and Employers’ Intervention

The procedure for the confirmation of the delegates at the 37th GSEE Congress confirms the estimation of PAMEthat this is not a Workers' Congress! The...

National Strike of Municipality Workers

https://www.flickr.com/photos/141955787@N05/40209246733/in/album-72157703565989342/ On Thursday, February 21, workers of Municipalities held a National Strike and Demonstrations all over Greece. Main demand of the strike was the protection of...

Solidarity with Matamoros Workers in Mexico

  https://www.flickr.com/photos/141955787@N05/32214554847/in/album-72157706991410174/ A delegation of PAME was at the Mexican Embassy in Athens, where it passed a resolution by PAME and POEEP Federation, expressing the Solidarity...

POEEP Federation Hosted the 2nd Balkan Trade Union Forum in Thessaloniki

The National Federation POEEP, member of PAME, hosted the 2nd Meeting of the Trade Unions of the Balkan area in Thessaloniki on Saturday, February...

For The Intervention Of The Employers In The Greek Trade Union Movement And The Congress Of The GSEE

In March 2019, at a tourist resort in the city of Kalamata, in southern Greece, will take place the 37ο Congress of GSEE (member of...

PAME Holds AntiNATO Demonstration in Thessaloniki

On Thursday, February 14, PAME and antiimperialist organizations held a massive anti-NATO protest in Thessaloniki Main demand was the cancelation of the SYRIZA Government plans...

Hands Off The Farmers’ Struggle!

 PAME stands by the side of the poor farmers who struggle against poverty and misery imposed by the Government-EU and Business Groups. The class workers’...

Solidarity with the strike of the workers of France on February 5

 The class-oriented trade union movement in Greece, PAME, is standing on the side of the workers and the militant trade unions of France for...