PAME held a militant protest on Monday, September 28, at the Ministry of Labour of Greece, demanding Social Security Rights and Immediate measures for...
PAME held a massive demonstration on Wednesday, September 23rd, in Solidarity with the Migrants and the Refugees, protesting against the Anti-migrant policy of the...
PAME took part in WFTU’s International Conference of Solidarity with the People of Syria, against the imperialist intervention and the attack against the people...
NEHAWU held a solidarity international seminar on ,Friday 04th of September 2015 to discuss ‘Greece, the capitalist crisis and the role of the class oriented...
PAME held a massive demonstration in Thessaloniki, (which is the second largest Greek city) on the occasion of HELEXPO. The class trade unions declared...
NEHAWU expresses its firm solidarity with the Greek union; All Workers Militant Front {PAME} in its struggles against the European Union imposed austerity measures....
During the HELEXPO in Thessaloniki the class trade unions have planned a rich activity. On Friday, September 4, at 10:30 the Executive Secretariat of...
PAME (All Workers Militant Front) that represents the class trade union movement of Greece and MAS (Students Militant Front) that represents the fighting students...