PAME participated in the Internationalist Event of Solidarity with GUPW and the Palestinian People organized by WFTU and USB of Italy on Saturday, March...
PAME calls the trade union organizations, the pensioners, the self-employed, farmers, students’ and women’s unions to organize the gathering of material aid to the...
Protest against the Antiworkers Bill on Social Security was organized by PAME’s Union of Workers in Local Administration of Athens at the Ministry of...
The capitalists and their state criminalize the trade union action, the struggle of the Metal Workers Union of Athens! Metal workers are being systematically...
Facing the dangerous developments because of the Greek Government’s decision to commonly propose (with Turkey and Germany) the assignment of NATO to patrol the...
The youth secretariat of PAME calls the young workers, the unemployed, the apprentices, the migrants to participate in the Workers’ Football Tournament organized by...
On Saturday, February 13, took place a magnificent demonstration of workers and farmers, which was organized by the Unions, Federations and Labour Centres...