PAME Denounces Violent Attack Against Workers-Strikers In Turkey

PAME denounces the violent crackdown on strikers during a protests today in Ankara, Turkey, as well as the arrest of Ali Rıza Küçükosmanoğlu, PC...

CGTB of Brazil Visits PAME

  PAME was visited by the CGTB of Brazil, an affiliate of WFTU, on November 28-29. The delegation of CGTB headed by its President Ubiraci...

Condolences for the death of two workers in a coal mine in Turkey

  PAME, which represents the class trade union movement of Greece, express its deep condolences for the death of two workers on the 27th...

PAME expresses its Condolences for the loss of comrade Sukomal Sen

Dear Comrades, On behalf of PAME, which represents the class trade union movement of Greece, we express our condolences for the death of our...

PAME Meeting with Trade Union Roofers Local 36 from USA

  PAME met on Tuesday, November 14, with Union Roofers Local 36 delegation of Cliff Smith, Frank Mora and Herson Castellanos, from Los Angeles, USA...

Solidaridad de PAME con los trabajadores de Iran

PAME (Frente Militante de Todos los Trabajadores) expresa las condolencias del movimiento sindical de clase de Grecia a los trabajadores de Iran y a...

PAME Solidarity with the workers of Iran

PAME (All Workers Militant Front) expresses the condolences of the class trade union movement of Greece to the Iranian workers and trade unions for...

PAME Statement on the 100 Years of the October Revolution

Today, 100 years have passed since the start of the great October Revolution. The important social achievements and the conquests it brought to mankind...

Unions of Commerce and Retail Workers of Greece Denounce The Attack Against Super Market Workers In Turkey

The Unions of Commerce and Retail Workers from Greece condemn the attack of the Turkish police against workers in the Super Markets of the...