Solidarity with the people and workers of Morocco

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PAME from Greece expresses its deep sorrow and sincere condolences to the workers and people of Morocco for the hundreds of victims of the deadly earthquake of 9 September.

Dear brothers and sisters, at the same time as your people are being tested by the deadly earthquake, the people of Greece are being tested by huge wildfires and floods, with the loss of lives and property of poor people.

The tragic consequences for the people in each country highlight that people’s lives and property would have been saved if there had been funding for projects and infrastructure to protect people’s lives. If there had been prevention projects, protection from earthquakes, from natural disasters, from phenomena that we expect every year and experience every year with worse results.

While we are counting our wounds, at the same time we are turning our grief and anger into strength for struggle and demand.

So that no more lives are lost, so that the peoples in every country are protected.

We strengthen the struggle to support the victims of the disasters, for immediate restoration of the damages.

With massive, immediate material solidarity organized by the unions and the people themselves.

We strengthen the struggle for measures to protect our peoples from earthquakes, wildfires, floods.

PAME expresses its solidarity with the suffering people and workers of Morocco. We are at your side


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