Massive Union Meeting and Victory of Miners Struggle

A big Union meeting took place on Monday, May 16 in Thessaloniki by the class unions under the theme "Today's great class struggles, a...

Big Antiimperialist Demonstrations: No Involvement in the Imperialist War

With massive and militant demonstrations in many cities of Greece and in the center of Athens, trade unions, self-employed unions, women's associations, student associations...

COSCO Dockers Strike Breaks State Oppression The dockers of COSCO gave a powerful response to the attempts of the multinational and the Government of Greece to break the Strike with...

COSCO Workers Continue their Strike till the Satisfaction of their Demands

On Thursday evening, April 28, the workers of COSCO held a new General Assembly at the docks of COSCO in Piraeus port, to discuss...

Great Success – Collective Contract with wage raises of +20% for Construction Workers   The National Federation of Construction Workers of Greece, member of PAME, after great Struggles, strikes and actions, succeeded the signing with the Employers’ Association...

COSCO Dockers New Strike Action after new Serious Accident

 The workers of COSCO in Piraeus started a new strike action on Thursday, April 28 after another worker was seriously injured during the loading...

Solidarity with the workers in GlaxoSmithKline

The Federation of Workers in Pharmaceuticals in Greece, member of PAME and WFTU expresses its solidarity with our colleagues in the British pharmaceutical multinational...

COSCO Workers New Successful Strike for Collective Contract Photos Τhe dockworkers of the multinational COSCO in Piraeus went on a new strike on Thursday, April 19, demanding the signing of Collective Contract. The...

COSCO Workers New Successful Strike for Collective Contract The dockworkers of the multinational COSCO in Piraeus went on a new strike on Thursday, April 19, demanding the signing of Collective Contract. The ENEDEP...