Preparations Escalate for the 2-Day Antiimperialist Action of PAME

Last days before the 2-Day Anti-Imperialist Action of PAME in Thessaloniki and the Unions, Federations, Regional Trade Union Centers escalate their preparations. Monday and...

Preparations Escalate for the 2-Day Antiimperialist Action of PAME

Last days before the 2-Day Anti-Imperialist Action of PAME in Thessaloniki and the Unions, Federations, Regional Trade Union Centers escalate their preparations. Monday and...

PAME at USB, Italy 2nd Congress

PAME Delegation took part and greeted the 2nd National Congress of USB, Italy, which took place on June 9-11. PAME expressed its gratitude to...

Massive and Militant Struggles Continue

PAME salutes the massive mobilizations across the country, the grand rallies of Pensioners’ Federation in Athens and Thessaloniki. We support the mobilization of the...

PAME in Solidarity with the Glass Workers’ Strike in Turkey

All Workers Militant Front, PAME, which represents the class trade union movement of Greece expresses its solidarity with the glass workers of Şişecam and...

May 17 General Strike-Militant Response to the New Barbaric Measures

The May 17 National General Strike concluded with Militant and Massive Rallies of PAME all over Greece. In the strike demonstrations of PAME were...

Occupation of the Greek Ministry of Finance Against the new antiworkers’ Agreement- General Strike on May 17

  Since early this morning, Thursday, May 11, dozens of Unions, from public and private sector that rally with PAME, are occupying the Greek...

Occupation of the Greek Ministry of Finance Against the new antiworkers’ Agreement- General Strike on May 17

  Since early this morning, Thursday, May 11, dozens of Unions, from public and private sector that rally with PAME, are occupying the Greek...

PAME Denounces the Fascist Government of Kiev for the Persecution Against Trade Unionists of USB Italy

PAME Denounces the Fascist Government of Kiev for the demand to arrest trade unionists of USB Italy, WFTU Affiliate, who participated in the May...