PAME Book on The Functioning and Action of Trade Unions

Dear colleagues, The link attached is a brochure called “The Functioning and Action of Trade Unions”, published by PAME in Greece on April 2015....

Occupation of the Ministry of Finance of Greece by PAME

Early Tuesday morning, March 29, forces of PAME occupied the Ministry of Finance of Greece, protesting against the antiworkers reforms in Social Security, taxation,...

Workers Solidarity with the Refugees

Responding to the call of PAME, to organize Solidarity to the Refugees and Migrants the working class of Greece, the people, the Labour Centres,...

Mayors in the Service of the Multinationals Prosecute the Workers of Coca Cola Thesaloniki

PAME denounces the unacceptable decision of the Mayor of Thermi in the Thessaloniki region who ordered the prosecution against the Trade Union of the...

PAME Condemns The Release From Custody Of The Fascist-Murderer-Golden Dawn Member, Giorgos Roupakias

PAME condemns the release from custody of the Fascist-Murderer-Golden Dawn Member, Giorgos Roupakias. The member of the fascist-Nazi criminal Golden Dawn party, Roupakias, who...

Workers’ Solidarity With The Refugees

The Executive Secretariat of PAME would like to thank every trade union, every mass organization from all over Greece, from Chania, Zakynthos, Larissa, Athens,...

Trade Union Initiatives For Solidarity With the Refugees

On Saturday, March 5 a big trade union meeting was held in Athens for the organization of Solidarity with the Refugees and Opposition to...

Material Aid For the Refugees

PAME calls the trade union organizations, the pensioners, the self-employed, farmers, students’ and women’s unions to organize the gathering of material aid to the...

Protest of Union in Local Administration at the Ministry of Labor-4 April Action Day

Protest against the Antiworkers Bill on Social Security was organized by PAME’s Union of Workers in Local Administration of Athens at the Ministry of...