EU’s Measures On Minimum Wage Seek To Impose Starvation-Wages And Block Workers’ Struggles

On the occasion of the new Directive on the minimum wage, which was reached by the Presidency of the Council and the European Parliament,...

Call of PAME: The NAZI Criminals in Jail!

PAME calls for massive-militant protest of the class unions on Wednesday, June 15, when will take place the appeal of the Golden Dawn criminal...

PAME’s message of condolences on the deadly accident at a container station in Bangladesh

PAME expresses its deepest condolences for the tragic death of dozens of workers, mainly firefighters, following an explosion at the city's container station in...

Greek and Migrant Workers United! Big Demonstration of Migrant Workers (VIDEO) With a big rally and a militant demonstration from Manolada to the city of Barda, where they handed over a resolution with their demands...

Press Releases and Interventions for the Safety of maritime workers in the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea

For the workers in the tanker LANA A telephone Communication took place between the president of PEMEN and the captain of the tanker "LANA" (19...

Hotel Workers of Athens Massive Meeting decides Strike on June 24

With a 24-hour strike on Friday, June 24 in the hotels of Attica, Hotel-Tourism Workers are strengthening the fight for local Sectoral and Business...

PAME Official Statement for its National Congress Meeting June 18-19, 2022

Our Power is in Organization Hope lies in our Struggles Our weapon is Solidarity   PAME National Congress June 18-19, 2022 PIRAEUS, Stadium "Aristidis Papamichael" Drapetsona The National Federations, the...

Bankers’ Hands off from Peoples’ Homes The class unions of Thessaloniki are holding a series of actions in order to protect a family from being evicted from their home by...