On the occasion of International Women’s Day March 8, 2025 militant actions took place in many cities all over Greece under the slogan
“March 8, 2025
Unwavering struggle for women’s equality
We fight against the violence of exploitation”
In Athens rally the main intervention noted:
“This year’s International Women’s Day is marked by the great rivers of people that has been flooding Athens and all the cities of Greece for days now, with the thousands of women and mothers who, shocked by the crime in Tempe, took to the streets demanding that it not be covered up. To claim our right, our lives and the future of our children.
We turn our anger into a decision to organize and fight against the real culprit, which is the current anti peoples’s state, the government and all the parties that walk on the rails of the EU and NATO and the system of exploitation they serve. This is the big culprit that is depriving us of oxygen!
The same culprit, the system of exploitation breeds and feeds inequality and all forms of violence against women. That is why the slogan ‘their profits or our lives’ that has sensitized our people captures the real social dilemma of today that must motivate women’s attitudes and actions.”
Special reference was made to the women and children of Palestine who are trying to survive in Gaza in “a hell of ruins, with basic infrastructure and health structures destroyed by the Israeli occupation army, with the brutal Israeli blockade leading to hunger and misery. Our hearts go out to these women who insist on fighting to live in their own independent country”
“We raise high the flag of the struggle of peoples to live in a world without exploitation, without poverty, without war. Our struggle matters for our lives and the future of our children. We must Rise up against any kind of involvement of Greece in the war slaughterhouses, against those who count our needs as costs but spend billions on the war economy and imperialist plans.
At the same time women workers live in a barbaric reality: the exhausting working hours, the wages that are not enough to cover basic needs, the working relations that make their lives a rubber band.
This violence shapes the economic and social conditions that prevent women from reporting sexual harassment in the workplace or escaping a violent interpersonal relationship. In the soil that this violence fosters, relationships of dependency are maintained and anachronistic stereotypes and perceptions are fed.
We do not legitimize the brutality we experience. Our joint action with trade unions, self-employed associations, farmers’ and students’ associations can overturn it. Our struggle to demand all that we need today can give a breathing space to the working women who are suffocated by multiple discrimination. We carry on stronger, more determined.”