STOP Prosecution against the President of the COSCO workers’ union

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We call on all trade unions to express their solidarity with the President of the Piraeus Regional Trade Union Centre and of the Cosco Workers’ Union, comrade Markos Bekris, who is once again on trial for his struggles against the multinational.

Solidarity with Markos Bekris and COSCO Workers’ Struggle!

In Greece on 11 March, once again the president of the Piraeus Regional Trade Union Centre and president of the Cosco workers’ union is being dragged to court.

With his prosecution once again

  • They are putting on trial the strikes of the Cosco workers.
  • They are putting on trial the workers’ struggle for health and safety measures.
  • They are putting on trial the big strike by Cosco workers shortly after the employer crime that sent their colleague Dimitris Danglis to his death.
  • They are putting on trial the fight for Heavy and Hazardous occupations pay
  • They are putting on trial the fight for a compulsory collective bargaining agreement.

They are putting on trial the fight against a ruthless monopoly that only cares about PROFIT. Human life is of no importance to it.

But we want the employers, the government, who support Cosco and all their mechanisms to know that this iconic, important struggle cannot be condemned, no matter how much they slander it, no matter how much they bash it. This struggle with its important results is in the hearts of the working class in Greece and in the whole world.

The enormous solidarity expressed was a huge weapon against those who fought fiercely and still fight and obstruct the workers’ struggle.

Intimidations will not pass!

We stand in Solidarity with Markos Bekris and COSCO Workers’ Struggle!

 We call on all trade unions to express in all ways their solidarity with the President of the Piraeus Labour Centre and the Cosco Workers’ Union, Comrade Markos Bekris.

Solidarity messages to the email [email protected]

Twitter @PAME_Greece


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