Massive Solidarity with the People of Palestine

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PAME condemned the new crime of Israel and the bombing of Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza

All over Greece the class unions strengthen the actions of solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Massive demonstrations of Solidarity took place on October 17 in many cities of Greece


In Thessaloniki in a meeting of union leaders of all sectors the class unions welcomed the delegation from the Palestinian Community of Thessaloniki and called for massive participation to the big demonstration of October 19


Also the unions raised the flag of Palestine in one of central roads of Thessaloniki


PAME Secretariat delegation visited and met with the Ambassador of Palestine in Greece, where it delivered the Resolution of Solidarity signed by 11 National Workers’ Federations, 15 Regional Trade Union Centers and hundreds of unions of Greece.

PAME informed the Ambassador on the initiatives of the class unions, the demonstrations in 29 cities of Greece and the big rally in Athens on October 18


Video SPOT for the Demonstration in Athens



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